Note: Image in center is elongated cent design for coin show. Artwork © 2017 The Boeing Company and BECC. All Rights Reserved.
April/May 2017 update: Progress is being made on the 2018 medal design to commemorate the 10,000th delivery of the 737. At the March club meeting, we reviewed 8 different design and then down-selected to two designs. Upon further discussion, the club decided to vote on which plane graphic they preferred and that the wording option would be voted on at the April meeting with a selection of different text options for the medal choices. The airplane design shown won the club’s approval. More style (text) options will be created and made available at the April club meeting for voting. Tony K. presented 10 different options for the 2018 medal design with a variety of options showing different text positioning. After two rounds of voting, the design for the obverse was decided, and will be sent to Boeing Licensing for approval. June/July 2017 update: The design has been approved by Boeing Licensing and BEX is working on the getting the die made to produce the medals. BEX has been informed of the club’s decision to stay with the proof-like pewter medal, so the price of the pewter medal will increase to cover the additional minting cost. The cost of the die went up an additional $50 as well. The board reviewed the pricing of the medals and agreed with the following prices for the single medals: Silver ($45), Bronze ($13) and Pewter ($16). The price of the three-price set will remain at $90. See the 2018 medals order form in the newsletter for the other pricing. It was also shared at the board meeting that BEX will starting striking the medals and we should have them by the end of the July. Holders have been ordered based on 2017 sales and should be ready close to the same time. September 2017 update: Current status of the 2018 737 10,000th delivered medals for Sept. has the inventory at 148 silvers, 74 bronze, and 81 pewters remaining. The current sales have been for the folks receiving the newsletter and/or the email order form. The folks that get the order form by mail received their order forms last week. Once those orders come in, we should be close to selling out all of the silvers. The 2018 medals are also being shown at the Boeing Family days. If you recall, we auction off 3 copper medals at each club meeting, while I forgot to bring the 3 for the August meeting. The board decided that that those 3 would be auctioned off at the November meeting and that we would not be auctioning off 6 at the September meeting. Still to be auctioned off is the pair of 2017 747-8 pewters proof-like (mintage 110) and the brush finish sample (mintage 1) in a custom holder. That set will be auctioned off either at the November or December general meeting. A picture of the set will be posted in the newsletter giving the auction notice. November 2017 update: We have less than 40 silver, 50 bronze and pewter medals left. The club was asked to write a article for the PNNA newsletter (The Nor'wester) for first quarter 2018 in time for our coin show. Tony will work on that article. Feb.-Mar. 2018 update: Quantities of 2018 medals remaining are: silver 35, bronze 46, pewter 46 and copper 23. The coppers are being auctioned off at the rate of 3 per meeting. 2 were given away at the banquet. |